Upcoming Bills on School Bullying and Alternative Medicine

The Government of the Principality  informed the Monegasque Parliament (Conseil National) on 2nd and 5th June 2020 of its intention to transform the following two draft laws (parliamentary initiative) into […]

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Monaco The fraudulent organisation of insolvency, new offence (Law No. 1.494 of 8 July 2020)

Law n° 1.494 of 8 July 2020 relating to the fraudulent organisation of insolvency (Journal de Monaco N° 8495 of 17 July 2020) stems from Bill Bill No. 1002 relating to […]

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Monaco – The right to a bank account will come into force as of 17 October 2020

Legal news │ Monaco – Banking – Credit institution – Natural person – Legal entity 07.2020 Law No. 1.492 of 8 July 2020 relating to the introduction of the right […]

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Monaco adopts Legislation on Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) and Security Token Offerings (STO) [OFFRES DE JETONS]

Legal News │ 26.06.2020 │ IT • BLOCKCHAIN • VIRTUAL ASSETS • FINANCIAL A new method of financing for Monegasque companies Law No. 1.491 of 23 June 2020 relating to […]

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CCIN: Position on the taking of temperature of employees and clients during the gradual resumption of economic activities

Legal News 05/2020 │ MONACO • COVID-19 • PERSONAL DATA • LABOUR  The Position with regard to sanitary measures in the context of the gradual resumption of activities following the […]

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Focus on Legislative Drafts No. 249 and No. 250 1 adopted by the National Council of the Principality of Monaco on 6 April 2020

Legal news │ MONACO • COVID-19 • Real estate • Contract • Labour • Company Following exchanges between the National Council and the Government of Monaco within the framework of […]

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Introduction of “civil solidarity contracts” into Monegasque law

01/2020                                                                     Law No. 1.481 of 17 December 2019 on civil solidarity contracts [contrats civils de solidarité] (voted on 4 December 2019 and published in the Journal de Monaco of […]

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Law No. 1.482 for a Digital Principality

Law No. 1.482 for a Digital Principality (Journal de Monaco of 27 December 2019) came out of the Draft Law No. 994 amending Act No. 1.383 of 2 August 2011 […]

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Law N° 1.483 on Digital Identity

Law No. 1.483 on Digital identity (Journal de Monaco of 27 December 2019) stems from Draft Law No. 992 (20 articles), passed in Public Session on 4 December 2019. It is part […]

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Draft law No. 246 on the use of a digital recording device on a shared registry for the stocks and shares of non-listed companies

Draft law No. 246 (16 articles) of the National Council, adopted in Public Session on 4 December 2019, is an extension of the Extended Monaco “multifaceted” programme, which “is intended, […]

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