Sentence Law Reform

11/2019 Act No. 1.478 of 12/11/2019 amending certain provisions relating to sentences, published in the Journal de Monaco on 15/11/2019, is the result of Bill No. 984, which incorporated Bill […]

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Circular No. 2019-9 of 30 August 2019 of the Labour Direction concerning the fight against harassment and violence at work

Journal de Monaco, No. 8450, 06/09/2019. Reminders of the Direction du travail concerning the regime introduced by Act No. 1.457 of 12 December 2017 on harassment and violence at work, […]

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Guardianship by Court Order, Mandate for future protection, exercise of the activity of legal trustee for the protection of persons

07/2019 Law No. 1.474 of 2 July 2019 on the Guardianship by Court Order, Mandate for future protection and the exercise of the activity of legal trustee for the protection […]

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07/2019 Law No. 1.471 of 2 July 2019 amending Law No. 822 of 23 June 1967 on weekly rest, as amended, is the result of Draft Law No. 979, passed […]

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Adoption: Amendments to the Civil Code and the International Private Law Code

06/2019 Law No. 1.470 of 17June  2019 amending the provisions of the Civil Code relating to Adoption was published in the Journal De Monaco of 28 June 2019. It cames from […]

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Draft Law No. 995 on blockchain technology

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Update of Annexes A and B of the Monetary Agreement of 29 November 2011 with the European Union

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