Meeting: Tax Offences and Criminal Prosecution 

June 26, 2014 (Metropole Monaco) Organized by AMCO (Monegasque Association of Compliance Officers)/Academy & Finance Speech by Thomas GIACCARDI “International Mutual Assistance against Tax Fraud and Money Laundering: the Evolving Rules […]

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Meeting: The Dematerialization of the Monegasque Invoices

June 24, 2014 (Fairmont Monte-Carlo) Organized by ACTIS/SOLUDOC Speech by Thomas GIACCARDI “Electronic Invoicing and Tax Compliance”

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Speech Contest Grand Sud 

May 22, 2014 (Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen) Organized at the Nice Sophia Antipolis University’s Faculty of Law With the support of Thomas GIACCARDI, member of the Final’s Jury

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 Informal Debate: Evidence and IT 

September 17, 2013 (Monte-Carlo Bay) Organized by GIACCARDI Speeches by: • Rozenn LE BOHEC ICYK about “Electronic Evidence under Monegasque Law” • Valérie DE BLECKER (polytechnic engineer specialised in multimedia/Internet technologies) […]

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